Meet the Team


Olivia Patrick

Clinical Psychologist & Director
MA Psych (Hons); M Psych (Clin) Hons

Dr Phillip Aouad

Registered Psychologist
MA (Crim.); GradDipPsych(Adv); PhD (Science, Psychology)

Rachel Pendlebury

Registered Psychologist
BA (Psych); P Grad Dip (Psych); M Prof Psych

Carla Evans

Clinical Psychologist
BSc (Psych); Postgrad Dip (Psych); M Psych (Clin)

Phoebe Josephs

Clinical Psychologist


Rebecca Anderson

Accredited Practising Dietitian
BSc NutrDiet (Hons); B AppSci (Ex&SpSc); M Phty​

Sarah Ghebranious​

Accredited Practising Dietitian
BSc. (Nutrition and Food); MND


Sharni Poll


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At Shape Your Mind we offer something different: expertise, knowledge and compassion – to help you Change your Life for good.


Shape Your Mind is dedicated to helping you gain control of your eating and to improve your body image and self-esteem…for life!